Saturday, January 16, 2010

Financial questions and answers

greetings everyone, hope the new year finds you happy, healthy and busy.

One of the things I wanted to do was try different things out. Always thought those people in starbucks typing away were silly, well now I am one of them.

I have tons of experience in real estate, finance, insurace etc. I wanted to pass along some information, answer any relavent questions people might have about products, or recommedations.

everything is confidential, and discrete. I hope that people will help me with questions I may have about certain topics--which I will try to keep to a minimum.

I am looking at people who are rolling over their 401ks, switching from investing in the stock market to a safer bet like an annuity or bonds. I think that people should be taking a look at how their retirment plan is performing. I don't see any way how social security will be around in 20 years--or if it is, no idea about what we will be getting.

People are operating on holding on, rather than growing. it is what it is, we have had a bad run lately. the key i think is to take a look at what you have, will it be enough for when you need it? that means figuring out how much you need, and that really depends on how youwant to live.

we are all living longer, and I want to live in a comfortable manner. think everyone feels the same way.

In any event. thanks for reading my blog, will try to give some examples in the future, hopefully add some value to someone out in cyber land.

have a great sunday, we are looking at a bunch of rain coming in.

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